Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Small Moments Change Lives

I don't know why it is so hard to Blog for me, I keep a regular journal. I like snail mail and I enjoy all kinds of writing and reading. I am the kind who likes to read the journaling on scrapbooking pages. Writing for me is good for the heart. In my journaling I keep my thoughts, write current events, things that are happening locally. I read once that keeping journals needed to have more than just your own thoughts, they needed to include the weather, happenings in your area, current events in the world, it kind of gives you a different perspective on things. I have family history that includes journals and I find it fascinating to read about the past. We are so fortunate now to be able to include all kinds of "art" if you will in our journal keeping. We can write, take photos, film, recording our passing through this life. Moments. I read this quote about how small moments change lives and it really got me thinking about that-how small moments do. Even if we don't like change, change happens. It probably is the most consistent thing in our lives.

On my quick trip I visited the ruins of this castle built in the middle of the woods. It didn't last long, made of stone but with a wood roof it was destroyed by fire. The owner died right after he started building it. It looked beautiful in the photos before the fire. I am sure that the owner never planned on passing away before he saw his magnificent home finished. I was sorry that the
family hadn't keep it, rebuilt it.

Sometimes the small moments seem insignificant at the time, they pass quickly without even notice. Other times the small moment, changes the course of our life. Change is a good thing. I always think that it is so great we can change, we enjoy the freedom of this country which allows us to change, our jobs, homes, locations. We can change our minds, gain more education, we can change our hearts, forgive, forget. I remember the quote the largest room is the room for improvement-change.

Maybe we should allow ourselves every day to think about the small moments, to enjoy them, to tuck them into our hearts and remember them.


Carol said...

Glad to see you are back from your trip! Hope you had a fun time. Looking forward to seeing you Sat.

janel said...

Sounds like a great trip. Sure miss you...hope all is well.